Equanimity Research Hub
From its inception, Equanimity endeavoured to be a research-led organisation. We wanted our work to be relevant, impactful, meaningful and continually meeting the needs of those we serve. We are now looking to partner with organisations and higher education institutions who want to conduct meaningful research that can influence positive change and tangible benefits to communities. We have access to a core pool of Community Researchers for any research projects we are commissioned for. The CRs were trained and accredited under the USE-IT! project with the University of Birmingham.Each CR has their own research interest and expertise. They also have personal knowledge of, and contacts in particular communities and speak the relevant language(s). Please get in touch at research@equanimity.org.uk to see how we can work together, including doing joint funding applications for research which is beneficial to all.
Poster: Identifying the Prevalence and Impact of Food Insecurity on Children and the Availability of Food in Out-Of-School Provision
See our research poster that was due to be presented on the 25th March 2020 at the "The University as…